
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guess What?!

I'm being featured over at Remodelaholic today!  I am beyond honored and so thrilled!  Cassity has been so sweet and I've truly enjoyed getting to know her a bit more via email.   If you've never visited her blog, you're in for quite a treat.  Click on over there and check it out!  If you've come over from Remodelaholic and are visiting for the first time, welcome! 

I've been M.I.A. for a few weeks, busily enjoying every minute of this beautiful summer weather with my family, making memories that will last a lifetime.


  1. Congrats!! I am heading over to read the post!!!

  2. Will go to read now...exciting! What an adorable picture..they aren't all yours are they?

  3. Hey, just jumped over from Remodelaholic! Love your work girl. Looking forward to seeing what all you have on here. :)

  4. I just discovered you today through Remodelaholic. I love, love, LOVE your bookcase...and your whole blog! Thanks for inspiring me...
    (your newest follower...)

  5. Thank you all so much for your kind words! Tina, the picture is adorable, isn't it? No, the children are not all mine. =) These are my children with my sister's children. My sister is the talented gal over at The Pear Tree Cottage. We had a great time visiting her in Texas and will be sharing more pictures soon!

  6. I came by yesterday and read this post. So excited for you, congrats! Love the sweet picture of the cousins together, they sure are a cute bunch. Missing you lots over here. Life has been crazier than usual over here and I haven't had much time to talk but we definitely need to make some time soon. Love ya!

  7. What a great feature! Sounds like you're having an amazing time! Enjoy the fabulous weekend ahead, Kellie xx
